A recently developed prototype (Laparoscopic Differential Magnetometer, in short LapDiffMag) identifies magnetic tracer accumulated inside sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) during clinical laparoscopic procedures. The LapDiffMag relies on excitation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) and subsequent laparoscopic detection based on a nonlinear detection principle. The prototype uses an excitation coil to generate a magnetic field needed to activate SPIONs. This study reports on the process of developing a new excitation coil by describing the design choices based upon clinical requirements, by modeling delivered magnetic field using digital twin, and by comparing the magnetic fields of modeled and manufactured prototype. Digital twin technology was used to produce relevant and reliable data to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the excitation coil. The magnetic field originating from manufactured prototype was validated at two different heights above the excitation coil and have shown a good concordance to the data generated by its digital twin. Clinical Relevance- Current standard-of-care for a variety of tumor types consists of minimally invasive radical resection of primary tumor and regional lymph nodes (LNs). The newly introduced excitation coil will (after full validation) enable minimally invasive harvesting of sentinel LNs by means of magnetic tracer detection.