Paired- and single-chain T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing are now commonly used techniques for interrogating adaptive immune responses. TCRs targeting the same epitope frequently share motifs consisting of critical contact residues. Here we illustrate the key features of tcrdist3, a new Python package for distance-based TCR analysis through a series of three interactive examples. In the first example, we illustrate how tcrdist3 can integrate sequence similarity networks, gene-usage plots, and background-adjusted CDR3 logos to identify TCR sequence features conferring antigen specificity among sets of peptide-MHC-multimer sorted receptors. In the second example, we show how the TCRjoin feature in tcrdist3 can be used to flexibly query receptor sequences of interest against bulk repertoires or libraries of previously annotated TCRs based on matching of similar sequences. In the third example, we show how the TCRdist metric can be leveraged to identify candidate polyclonal receptors under antigenic selection in bulk repertoires based on sequence neighbor enrichment testing, a statistical approach similar to TCRNET and ALICE algorithms, but with added flexibility in how the neighborhood can be defined.
Keywords: Bioinformatics; Distance-based learning; Epitope-specificity; Python; T cell receptors; TCR.
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