Introduction: Italian cystic fibrosis registry (ICFR) collects data from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients through the collaboration with Italian CF referral and support Centres (Italian law 548/93). ICFR contributes: • to the analysis of medium and long term clinical and epidemiological trends of the disease; • to the identification of the main health care needs at regional and national level to contribute to the Health Care programmes and to the distribution of resources; • to the comparison of the Italian data with international ones. This latter is based on the collaboration with the European CF registry and, due the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, with important global projects.
Objectives: The purpose of this Report is to update the demographic and clinical data of the Italian FC population in the years 2019 and 2020, contributing to the information necessary to implement projects to improve the management of patients affected by this disease.
Design: Analyses and results described in the present Report are referred to patients currently followed at the Italian National Referral and Support Centres for Cystic Fibrosis in the 2019-2020 period. Data were sent by clinical Centres through a dedicated web-based software. Data undergo a double quality control (QC): the first is automatically performed by the software (quantitative QC), the second is performed at a European level (before the inclusion of the Italian data within the European Cystic Fibrosis Registry). These QCs assure the completeness and the accuracy of data as well as their longitudinal consistency with the European core data.
Setting and participants: A total of 29 CF Centres (referral and support centres and 'Bambino Gesù' Children's Hospital CF centre) sent to ICFR their data referred referred to years 2019-2020. CF Centres of Verona, Messina, and Palermo (this latter only for 2019) do not use the ICFR software; however, their data are firstly collected in a centralized manner, then sent to the European Registry. Data from support centres of Treviso and Rovereto are sent through the Verona CF Center. Finally, data from Sardinia Centre are still missing.
Results: The present Report has been organized into 10 sections. 1. Demography: in 2019, 5,585 CF patients were registered in the ICFR and 5,801 in 2020; median age was 21.6 years in 2019 and 22.4 years in 2020. Prevalence was 9.36/100,000 and 9.79/100,000 residents in Italy in 2019 and in 2020, respectively. Male percentage was 51.5% in 2019 and 2020 and CF distribution by age range showed higher frequency in patients aged 7 to 35 years. Adult patients (aged more than 18 years) were 59.5% on average in both years. 2. Diagnoses: most of the CF patients were diagnosed before two years of age (median value 68.5%); a significant percentage of patients (12.9% in 2019 and 13.4% in 2020) was diagnosed in adult age. 3. New diagnoses: new diagnoses were 136 in 2019 and 96 in 2020. Estimated incidence was 1/5.568 living births in 2019 and 1/7.369 in 2020. 4. Genetics: 99.9% of patients underwent genetic analyses and in 98.2% of these patients a mutation in Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR) gene was identified. The F508del mutation was the most frequent (identified in 44.7% allele; 2019 data). Furthermore, on average 17.3% of patients had at least one ‘residual function’ mutation. At least one gating mutation is present in 3.3% of Italian patients. Finally, 20.5% of patients had at least one stop codon mutation (class 1). 5. Lung function: percent predicted FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second) progressively declined before adult age, in accordance with the natural history of the disease. The majority of paediatric patients (6-17 years of age), i.e., 86.7% in 2019 and 90.5% in 2020, had percent predicted FEV1 >=70%; whereas paediatric patients with a FEV1% >=40% are less than 2% in the study period. 6. Nutrition: the two most critical periods are the first 6 months of life and adolescence. Prevalence of malnourished adolescent males (12-17 years of age) is higher than the prevalence observed in females. Increasing percentages of female patients with a suboptimal BMI value (33.5% and 31.4%, respectively, in 2019 and 2020) are observed in adult age. 7. Complications: in 2019, CF-related liver disease without cirrhosis was the main complication both in patients aged less than 18 years (20.3% on average) and in adults (37.5%). CF-related diabetes was also frequent in CF adults (23.4%). 8. Transplantation: in 2019-2020, 64 patients received a double-lung transplantation. Median and range of age were 33 years (12.29-57.46) in 2017 and 32.9 (16.5-53.6) years in 2020. Median waiting times for lung transplantation in the two-year period ranged from 6 to 8 months. 9. Microbiology: percentage of adult patients with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection was 41.6% in 2019 and 38.8% in 2020 vs 14.3% in 2019 and 7.6% in 2020 in paediatric age. Staphylococcus aureus infection is present in 31.1% and 35.9% of adult patients in 2019 and in 33.5% and 34.7% of paediatric patients in 2020. 10. Mortality: a total of 51 patients died in the 2019-2020 period (28 females and 23 males); median age at death was 35.7 years in 2019 and 39 years in 2020 (transplanted patients are not included).
Conclusions: The present report shows that the Italian CF population is growing (4,159 in 2010 vs 5,801 in 2020). Median age of patients increased in the 2010-2020 period (17 years in 2010 vs 22.4 years in 2020). Prevalence of adult patients is increasing (in 2020, 60.5% of patients is more than 18 years old). About 68.5% of new patients is diagnosed within the second year of life and median age at death (transplanted patients not included) increased in 2020 up to 39 years (in 2018 this value was 35.8). Some statistical differences between 2019 and 2020 are mainly due to the absence of about 200 patients not included in 2019 data by a participating centre for a technical problem.
Keywords: cystic fibrosis; registry; CF referral centre; CF support centre; FEV; BMI; [delta]F508.