Background: Calorimetry is both expensive and obtrusive but provides the only way to accurately measure energy expenditure in daily living activities of any specific person, as different people can use different amounts of energy despite performing the same actions in the same manner. Deep learning video analysis techniques have traditionally required a lot of data to train; however, recent advances in few-shot learning, where only a few training examples are necessary, have made developing personalized models without a calorimeter a possibility.
Objective: The primary aim of this study is to determine which activities are most well suited to calibrate a vision-based personalized deep learning calorie estimation system for daily living activities.
Methods: The SPHERE (Sensor Platform for Healthcare in a Residential Environment) Calorie data set is used, which features 10 participants performing 11 daily living activities totaling 4.5 hours of footage. Calorimeter and video data are available for all recordings. A deep learning method is used to regress calorie predictions from video.
Results: Models are personalized with 32 seconds from all 11 actions in the data set, and mean square error (MSE) is taken against a calorimeter ground truth. The best single action for calibration is wipe (1.40 MSE). The best pair of actions are sweep and sit (1.09 MSE). This compares favorably to using a whole 30-minute sequence containing 11 actions to calibrate (1.06 MSE).
Conclusions: A vision-based deep learning energy expenditure estimation system for a wide range of daily living activities can be calibrated to a specific person with footage and calorimeter data from 32 seconds of sweeping and 32 seconds of sitting.
Keywords: calories, calorimetry; computer vision; deep learning; energy expenditure.
©Toby Perrett, Alessandro Masullo, Dima Damen, Tilo Burghardt, Ian Craddock, Majid Mirmehdi. Originally published in JMIR Formative Research (, 14.09.2022.