Arthroscopic rigid fixation (ARF) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with resorbable pins and other advanced arthroscopic disc repositioning (ADR) techniques by sutures has provided a renewed interest in the role played by the disc in the treatment of the most severe cases of TMJ ID with anterior disc displacement with severe limitation of mouth opening. These techniques may be the last step prior to open TMJ surgery, if other less complex operative arthroscopic techniques (OAT) have previously failed, or for those cases in which no predictable results are expected with simpler OAT due to the presence of a severe displaced disc or closed lock. In this article, ARF with resorbable pins is being approached, with a special focus on describing the technique while reporting its advantages and disadvantages. Also, potential complications and postoperative management and recovery, together with some advice in terms of pearls and pitfalls will be exposed.
Keywords: Arthroscopic repositioning; Disc fixation; Discopexy; Operative arthroscopy; Resorbable pins; TMJ; Temporomandibular joint arthroscopy.
Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Inc.