Objective: To investigate the distribution of mosquito species and their associated viruses, and identify Culex pipiens subspecies in Hami City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Methods: Mosquitoes were captured using mosquito trapping lamps method in Yizhou District, Yiwu County, and Balikun County of Hami City in mi-July, 2019 and 2020. The species and subspecies of all captured mosquitoes were characterized. In addition, the flavivirus, alphavirus, bunyavirus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Liaoning virus, Tahyna virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus and West Nile virus were detected using reverse-transcription PCR assay in captured mosquitoes.
Results: A total of 1 496 mosquitoes were captured from Yizhou District, Yiwu County, and Balikun County of Hami City, belonging to 3 genus and 3 species. Cx. pipiens was the dominant mosquito species (986 mosquitoes, 65.91%), followed by Aedes caspius (457 mosquitoes, 30.55%), while Culiseta alaskaensis had the lowest number (53 mosquitoes, 3.54%). All captured Cx. pipiens mosquitoes were identified as Cx. pipiens pipiens based on the terminalia of male mosquitoes. RT-PCR assay tested negative for flavivirus, alphavirus, bunyavirus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Liaoning virus, Tahyna virus, tick-borne encephalitis or West Nile virus in captured Cx. pipiens mosquitoes.
Conclusions: There were 3 species of mosquitoes in Hami City from 2019 to 2020, including Cx. pipiens, Ae. Caspius and C. alaskaensis, with Cx. pipiens as the dominant mosquito species, and all captured Cx. pipiens mosquitoes were Cx. pipiens pipiens; however, no arboviruses were detected.
[摘要] 目的 了解新疆维吾尔自治区哈密市蚊虫种类及病毒携带情况, 并鉴定该市尖音库蚊所属亚种。方法 分别 于 2019、2020 年 7 月中旬, 在新疆维吾尔自治区哈密市伊州区、伊吾县、巴里坤县采用诱蚊灯法捕捉蚊虫, 鉴定所捕获蚊 虫种属及尖音库蚊种属。采用逆转录 PCR 技术检测捕获蚊虫携带黄病毒属、甲病毒属、布尼亚病毒属、流行性乙型脑炎 病毒、辽宁病毒、Tahyna 病毒、蜱传脑炎病毒及西尼罗病毒情况。结果 在哈密市伊州区、伊吾县、巴里坤县共捕获蚊虫 1 496 只, 分属于 3 属 3 种。尖音库蚊为优势蚊种, 占所捕获蚊虫总数的 65.91% (986 只); 其次为里海伊蚊, 占 30.55% (457 只); 阿拉斯加脉毛蚊最少, 仅占 3.54% (53 只)。所捕获尖音库蚊经雄蚊尾器鉴定为尖音库蚊指名亚种。经逆转录 PCR 法检测, 所捕获蚊虫黄病毒属、甲病毒属、布尼亚病毒属、流行性乙型脑炎病毒、辽宁病毒、Tahyna 病毒、蜱传脑炎及西尼 罗病毒均为阴性。结论 2019—2020 年哈密市存在尖音库蚊、里海伊蚊、阿拉斯加脉毛蚊 3 种蚊虫, 以尖音库蚊为优势 蚊种; 所捕获尖音库蚊均为指名亚种, 未发现蚊类携带相关虫媒病毒。.