Nano-LED induced chemical reactions for structuring processes

Nanoscale Adv. 2020 Oct 20;2(11):5421-5427. doi: 10.1039/d0na00851f. eCollection 2020 Nov 11.


We present a structuring technique based on the initialization of chemical reactions by an array of nano-LEDs which is used in the near-field as well as in the far-field regime. In the near-field regime, we demonstrate first results with the nano-LED array for lithography using the photoresist DiazoNaphthoQuinone-(DNQ)-sulfonate for the fabrication of holes in the resist down to ∼75 nanometres in diameter. In contrast, the nano-LEDs can also be employed in the far-field regime to expose thin films of the monomer bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate (Bis-GMA) and to initialize polymerization locally. Photosensitive films were patterned and spherical cone-shaped three dimensional objects with diameters ranging from ∼480 nm up to 20 micrometres were obtained. The modification in the material as a result of the photochemical reaction induced i.e. by polymerization was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. This structuring maskless technique has the potential to induce substantial changes in photosensitive molecules and to produce the desired structures from the tens of microns down to the nanometre scale.