The study aimed to characterize women that attended prenatal care in Brazil according to ethnicity/skin color and sociodemographic variables and to verify the association between the indicators of the prenatal care process and the women's ethnicity/skin color. This was a population based, cross-sectional study carried out with data from the National Health Survey of 2013. A bivariate analysis was performed using the multilevel logistic regression model, estimating the odds ratio and the respective 95% confidence intervals to test the association between the indicators of the adequate prenatal care process and the women's ethnicity/skin color. The findings showed that black women have a lower chance of starting prenatal care before 12 weeks of gestation, having 6 or more consultations, performing the HIV test, performing the VDRL exam or receiving advice related to care during gestation and childbirth. Inequalities were identified in the healthcare of Brazilian women during prenatal care, related to ethnicity/skin color and other sociodemographic characteristics. It was concluded that being of black ethnicity and living in a socially disadvantaged area entails disadvantages for women regarding access to a prenatal care considered to be adequate according to the criteria established by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.
Esta investigação teve como objetivo caracterizar as mulheres que realizaram o pré-natal no Brasil segundo raça/cor e variáveis sociodemográficas e verificar associação entre os indicadores de processo do cuidado no pré-natal e a raça/cor das mulheres. Estudo transversal de base populacional empreendido com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde de 2013. Realizou-se análise bivariada mediante modelo de regressão logística multinível, estimando-se as odds ratio para medir a associação entre os indicadores de processo do cuidado pré-natal adequado e raça/cor das mulheres e verificando os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. Os achados evidenciaram que mulheres negras possuem menor chance de iniciar o pré-natal antes das 12 semanas de gestação, ter seis ou mais consultas, realizar teste de HIV, exame VDRL e receber orientações referentes aos cuidados na gestação e parto. Identificamos desigualdades na atenção à saúde das mulheres brasileiras atendidas no pré-natal relacionadas à raça/cor e a outras características sociodemográficas. Conclui-se que ser negra e ocupar lugares sociais desfavoráveis acarretam desvantagens para as mulheres quanto ao acesso a um pré-natal considerado adequado segundo os critérios estabelecidos pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil.