The staging, therapy and course of 91 patients with extranodal NHL of the head and neck treated between 1970 and 1985, were analyzed. The sites involved were: Waldeyer's ring 71 patients, tonsil 59, nasopharynx 12 and extralymphatic sites 20 patients (larynx 6, paranasal sinus 5, orbit 5, oral cavity 3, salivary gland 1). Sixty-three patients had unfavourable histology with 22 patients in stage I; 33 in II; 21 in III; 15 in IV. Chemotherapy plus radiotherapy was used in 43 patients and 34 obtained Complete Remission (CR). Chemotherapy alone was used in 30 patients and in 11 CR was achieved, radiotherapy alone in 18 patients and 11 obtained CR. The actuarial survival rate was 55% and recurrence-free survival, evaluated only in those patients who achieved complete remission, was 80%. Results, as survival and freedom from recurrence, are analyzed in relation to main prognostic factors and therapy, and patterns of recurrence are reported. The present study confirmed the view that radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy represents the best treatment for NHL of the head and neck.