Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents are often at higher risk than their heterosexual peers for adverse sexual health, violence, mental health, and substance use outcomes. Schools are a vital resource for enhancing protective behaviors and reducing risk behaviors. Sixteen school districts selected schools to implement a sexual health program (exposed) or usual programming (unexposed). We analyzed LGB student health outcomes using 2015 and 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. Analyses compared LGB student health outcomes by exposure status across time points using a multilevel approach. Program exposure was associated with decreased odds of ever having sex, ever testing for HIV, and using effective hormonal birth control, and an increased odds of condom use. There were no significant findings among secondary violence, mental health, and substance use outcomes. This evaluation highlights the potential for schools to reduce sexual risk behaviors among LGB youth, and opportunities to improve access to health services.
Keywords: adolescent health; condom use; school health; sexual health; sexual minority youth.