The availability of data regarding population abundance and dynamics of ticks in wild vertebrate populations is crucial to understand the host-tick relationship and to assess the risk for domestic animals and humans from possible zoonotic diseases. In this study we analyse several host-intrinsic and environmental factors affecting the tick population of two sympatric hedgehog species (the European and the Algerian hedgehog) in two differently anthropized habitats in eastern Spain. We captured 215 hedgehogs and sampled 356 adult ticks of four different species (Rhipicephalus sanguineus, R. turanicus, R. bursa and R. pusillus). We analysed by General Linear Mixed Models how the hosts' species, sex, capture month and site and their interactions affected tick presence and tick load. Further, we carried out Spearman correlation tests to analyse how environmental temperature and precipitation affect tick presence and load on hedgehogs. We found that, in general, male hedgehogs were more infested than females. However, the effects of the different factors depended on the tick species, especially related to their endophilic or exophilic character. High values of general tick infestation can be explained by the coincidence of tick activity peaks and higher male host activity levels, especially within areas with higher habitat diversity and species richness. We also discuss how the potential immunosuppressive effect of testosterone could be affecting our results. Our results show that in highly anthropized environments hedgehogs potentially act as important mixing vessels for tick-borne zoonotic pathogens and that monitoring ticks in periurban wildlife is important to assess potential health risks for pets and humans.
Keywords: Mammals; Parasitization dynamics; Rhipicephalus, Spain; Ticks.
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