In the present study, the pathophysiologic role of glomerular hemodynamic factors in the early phase of HgCl2-induced acute renal failure is evaluated in the dog. This model of moderate ARF is characterized by a parallel fall in glomerular filtration rate (delta GFR, -43%) and renal blood flow (delta RBF, -38%) within the first three hours after HgCl2 administration. Glomerular hemodynamics were studied by analysis of PVP-sieving curves. There was a significant shift of these curves upward and to the right during the 3 hours that followed the injection of HgCl2. From this analysis, no arguments for tubular back-leak could be found. Mathematical analysis of the curves revealed a fall in effective filtration pressure (EFP) in presence of an unchanged glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf) (delta EFP, -40 +/- 4%; p less than 0.01; delta Kf, +5 +/- 1%; p greater than 0.05 vs. control). No major changes occurred in glomerular colloid osmotic pressure. Subsequently, the early fall of GFR in this toxic model of acute renal failure was essentially attributed to a decrease of effective filtration pressure due to either tubular obstruction and/or mainly to renal hemodynamic changes.