Two independent equations were recently proposed for estimating 177Lu-cetuximab cumulative activity, in a preclinical situation, from an initial 64Cu-cetuximab diagnostic scan acquired at peak time of decay-uncorrected (tpeak-uncorr) or decay-corrected (tpeak-corr) time-activity curve of trapped 64Cu-cetuximab, respectively. The standard uptake ratio (SUR) measured at tpeak-uncorr or tpeak-corr turned out to be a key metric in each equation, respectively. However, acquiring the diagnostic scan at tpeak-uncorr or tpeak-corr might be a limitation of the proposed method. Therefore, in an attempt to overcome this limitation, this note aims at theoretically investigating whether SUR(tpeak-uncorr) and/or SUR(tpeak-corr) could be derived from a diagnostic scan acquired at any time postinjection.
Keywords: SUR normalization; reversible Patlak–Blasberg analysis; theranostics.