Ceramic injection molding is a near-net shape-processing technique, producing ceramic components with low tooling costs and complex shapes. In this paper, ZrO2 ceramics with high loading content in the green part were prepared by powder modification using zirconate coupling agent, injection molding and sintering, which benefited decreasing the usage of binders and deformation of ceramics. The rheological characteristics of feedstocks, densities, microstructures and mechanical properties of green and sintered parts with the different coupling media and sintering temperatures were studied. The results showed that the addition of a zirconate coupling agent with ethanol medium obviously increased the flowability of feedstocks and benefited achieving the green parts with high powder loading (86.5 wt.%) and bending strength (12.9 MPa) and the final unbroken ceramics. In addition, the sintering temperatures from 1500-1575 °C had no significant effects on the density, hardness, and surface morphology of the ceramic samples. However, the bending strength increased and some large grains with transgranular fracture occurred on the fractural surface at the sintering temperature of 1575 °C.
Keywords: ZrO2; injection molding; sintering; zirconate coupling agent.