South Africa has a rich history of medicinal plant species and their documented uses as traditional medicines, and is also home to three well-known, blue-flowered sage species of ethnobotanical importance. The Namaqualand bloublomsalie (Salvia dentata) has so far remained unstudied and apparently overlooked. Our study is the first to report on the essential oil chemistry of this medicinally relevant species and provide a comparison with the other two (well-studied) closely related Cape bloublomsalies (Salvia africana and S. chamelaeagnea). The data, generated from three geographically isolated populations comprised of 13 individual plants of S. dentata, revealed diagnostically high levels of camphor (14.37%), α-pinene (11.43%), camphene (10.18%), 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) (9.42%) and bornyl acetate (8.56%) which provide a distinct chemical profile from the other two species.
Keywords: GC-MS; Lamiaceae; Salvia; Salvia africana; Salvia chamelaeagnea; Salvia dentata; South Africa; camphor; essential oils; medicinal plants.