Development and validation of the cervical cancer knowledge scale and HPV testing knowledge scale in a sample of Canadian women

Prev Med Rep. 2022 Oct 11:30:102017. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.102017. eCollection 2022 Dec.


Knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV testing are important factors in proactive and continued engagement with screening and are critical considerations as countries move towards the implementation of HPV-based primary screening programs. However, existing scales measuring knowledge of both cervical cancer and HPV testing are not up to date with the current literature, lack advanced psychometric testing, or have suboptimal psychometric properties. Updated, validated scales are needed to ensure accurate measurement of these factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and validate two scales measuring cervical cancer knowledge and HPV testing knowledge. A pool of items was generated by retaining relevant existing items identified in a 2019 literature search and developing new items according to themes identified in recent systematic reviews. Items were assessed for relevance by the research team and then refined through seven cognitive interviews with Canadian women. A web-based survey including the remaining items (fourteen for each scale development) was administered to a sample of Canadian women in October and November of 2021. After data cleaning, N = 1027 responses were retained. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were conducted, and Item Response Theory was used to select items. The final cervical cancer knowledge scale (CCKS) and HPV testing knowledge scale (HTKS) were unidimensional, and each consisted of eight items. CFA demonstrated adequate model fit for both scales. The developed scales will be important tools to identify knowledge gaps and inform communications about cervical cancer screening, particularly in the context of HPV-based screening implementation.

Keywords: CCKS, Cervical Cancer Knowledge Scale; CFA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis; Cervical cancer knowledge; Cervical cancer screening; EFA, Exploratory Factor Analysis; HPV testing; HPV testing knowledge; HPV, Human Papillomavirus; HTKS, HPV Testing Knowledge Scale; Human Papillomavirus; IRT, Item Response Theory; Psychosocial factors; Scale development.