Complete Genome Sequences of Streptomyces Bacteriophages Annihilus, TonyStarch, Thiqqums, CricKo, ClubPenguin, RosaAsantewaa, and PherryCruz

Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022 Nov 17;11(11):e0092222. doi: 10.1128/mra.00922-22. Epub 2022 Oct 26.


Seven siphoviruses were isolated from soil using Streptomyces hosts. Their genome sequences ranged from 42,730 to 57,624 bp long and had a GC content of approximately 60%. Based on their gene content similarity to actinobacteriophages, all seven phages were assigned to cluster BI. For several of these phages, multiple ribosomal frameshifts were identified.