Background: Differentiating among HCO 3- , CO 3= , and H + movements across membranes has long seemed impossible. We now seek to discriminate unambiguously among three alternate mechanisms: the inward flux of 2 HCO 3- (mechanism 1), the inward flux of 1 CO 3= (mechanism 2), and the CO 2 /HCO 3- -stimulated outward flux of 2 H + (mechanism 3).
Methods: As a test case, we use electrophysiology and heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes to examine SLC4 family members that appear to transport "bicarbonate" ("HCO 3- ").
Results: First, we note that cell-surface carbonic anhydrase should catalyze the forward reaction CO 2 +OH - →HCO 3- if HCO 3- is the substrate; if it is not, the reverse reaction should occur. Monitoring changes in cell-surface pH ( Δ pH S ) with or without cell-surface carbonic anhydrase, we find that the presumed Cl-"HCO 3 " exchanger AE1 (SLC4A1) does indeed transport HCO 3- (mechanism 1) as long supposed, whereas the electrogenic Na/"HCO 3 " cotransporter NBCe1 (SLC4A4) and the electroneutral Na + -driven Cl-"HCO 3 " exchanger NDCBE (SLC4A8) do not. Second, we use mathematical simulations to show that each of the three mechanisms generates unique quantities of H + at the cell surface (measured as Δ pH S ) per charge transported (measured as change in membrane current, ΔIm ). Calibrating ΔpH S /Δ Im in oocytes expressing the H + channel H V 1, we find that our NBCe1 data align closely with predictions of CO 3= transport (mechanism 2), while ruling out HCO 3- (mechanism 1) and CO 2 /HCO 3- -stimulated H + transport (mechanism 3).
Conclusions: Our surface chemistry approach makes it possible for the first time to distinguish among HCO 3- , CO 3= , and H + fluxes, thereby providing insight into molecular actions of clinically relevant acid-base transporters and carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors.
Copyright © 2022 by the American Society of Nephrology.