Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears may cause persistent ulnar-sided wrist pain, loss of grip strength, and associated loss of function. Although the majority of TFCC tears can be treated nonoperatively, surgical repair is considered when conservative measures fail. TFCC tears with foveal disruption and instability of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) require direct repair of the TFCC to the ulnar fovea. The traditional method of foveal TFCC repair involves an open surgical approach through the floor of the 5th dorsal compartment. However, this open approach causes disruption of structures such as the dorsal ulnocarpal capsule, the extensor retinaculum, and, potentially, the distal radioulnar ligament (DRUL). This article describes, in detail, the recently developed arthroscopic assisted ulnar foveal bone tunnel repair. This method spares dorsal structures that may be disrupted during an open surgical approach and creates a robust repair of the TFCC deep fibers with restoration of DRUJ stability.
© 2022 The Authors.