Objective: To summarize the experience in diagnosis and treatment of 45, X Turner syndrome (TS) with gonadal Y chromosome mosaicism and bilateral gonadoblastoma (Gb) secreting human chorionic gonadotrophin(HCG). Methods: A female patient aged 5 years and 3 months was admitted to the hospital with a complaint of "enlarged breasts for 27 months, and elevated blood β-HCG for 8 months". The clinical data were summarized, and related literature up to March 2022 with the key words"Turner syndrome" "Gonadoblastoma" "Y chromosome" "human chorionic gonadotropin" "precocious" in PubMed, CNKI and Wanfang databases were reviewed. Results: The girl went to the local hospital for 2-month breast development at age of 3 years, and was found with a heart murmur diagnosed with "pulmonary venous malformation and atrial septal defect (secondary foramen type)". Surgical correction was performed. She experienced the progressive breast development, rapid linear growth and markedly advanced skeletal age, which cannot be explained by partial activation in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis determined at the age of 3 years and 7 months in local hospital. Then whole-exome sequencing revealed chromosome number abnormality 45, X, which was confirmed by Karyotyping. At the age of 4 years and 6 months, serum β-HCG was found to be elevated (24.9 U/L) with no lesion found at the local hospital. On physical examination, she was found with breast development, pubic hair development and clitoromegaly with elevated serum testosterone (1.96 μg/L) and β-HCG (32.3 U/L). Sex determining region Y(SRY) gene was negative in peripheral blood sample. Thoracic and abdominal CT, head and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging were normal. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed the presence of a left adnexal tumor and a right fibrous streak gonad. During surgery, simultaneous samples of bilateral gonadal and peripheral venous blood were obtained and serum β-HCG, estradiol and testosteron concentrations was higher to lower from left gonadal venous blood, right gonadal venous blood, to peripheral venous blood. Bilateral gonadectomy was performed. Histopathology revealed bilateral gonadoblastomas. SRY was positive in bilateral gonadal tissues. After surgery, serum E2, testerone and β-HCG returned to normal. So far 4 cases of HCG-secreting gonadoblastoma had been reported worldwide. The phenotypes of the 4 cases were all female, with virilization or amenorrhea, and the preoperative peripheral blood β-HCG concentrations were 74.4, 5.0, 40 456.0, and 42.4 U/L, respectively. Conclusions: There is a high risk of Gb in TS with Y chromosome components. Gb is infrequently presented with breast development, and Gb associated with HCG secretion is rare. Karyotyping should be performed in a phenotypic female with masculinization, and virilization in TS indicates the presence of Y chromosome material with concurrent androgen secreting tumors.
目的: 总结性腺Y染色体嵌合的45,X 特纳综合征(TS)并发分泌人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)的双侧性腺母细胞瘤(Gb)诊治经验。 方法: 回顾性分析2021年4月就诊于中山大学附属第一医院儿科的1例45,X TS并发分泌HCG双侧Gb患儿的临床资料和诊治过程,并分别以“Turner syndrome”“Gonadoblastoma”“Y chromosome”“Human chorionic gonadotropin”“Precocious”及“特纳综合征”“性腺母细胞瘤”“Y染色体”“绒毛膜促性腺激素”“早熟”为检索词,分别检索建库至2022年3月Pubmed、中国知网、万方等数据库的相关文献,总结分析该病特点。 结果: 患儿 女,5岁3月龄,因“乳房增大27个月,发现血β-HCG升高8个月”就诊。患儿3岁时因乳房发育2个月外院就诊发现“心脏杂音”诊断“肺静脉畸形+房间隔缺损”即手术。乳房发育呈进行性,伴生长加速、骨龄显著进展。3岁7月龄当地医院查下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴功能部分发动,不能解释,予全外显子测序后发现染色体核型45,X。4岁6月龄发现血β-HCG升高(24.9 U/L),分泌HCG的病灶未明。5岁3月龄转诊中山大学附属第一医院儿科时,乳房及阴毛发育、阴蒂肥大,外周血睾酮 1.96 μg/L,β-HCG 32.3 U/L,SRY基因阴性。全身影像学检查未发现病灶。腹腔镜探查术示性腺左侧呈肿瘤外观及右侧条索状,双侧性腺及静脉采血(β-HCG、雌二醇和睾酮水平均左侧>右侧>外周静脉血)、性腺切除术(病理为双侧Gb)、双侧性腺组织SRY基因阳性。术后血雌二醇、睾酮和β-HCG降至正常。共检索到国外4例分泌HCG的Gb的病例报道,4例表型均为女性,有男性化或闭经表现,术前外周血 β-HCG浓度分别为 74.4、5.0、40 456.0和 42.4 U/L。 结论: 含Y染色体成分的TS发生Gb的风险高,以乳房发育为主要临床表现的Gb少见,分泌HCG的Gb则很罕见。非典型临床表现的TS要注意嵌合型;有男性化特征的TS提示Y染色体成分的存在,并发生分泌雄激素的肿瘤。.