The paper proposes a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm known as harmony search and simulated annealing (HS-SA) for accurate and precise breast malignancy disclosure by integrating harmony search (HS) and simulated annealing (SA) optimisation methods. An enhanced wavelet-based contourlet transform (WBCT) procedure for mining the highlights of the region of interest (ROI) is explored, that allows execution upgradation over other standard procedures. The anticipated HS-SA algorithm aims to reduce the feature dimensions and assemble at the unparalleled optimal feature subset. The SVM classifier fed with the picke.d feature subsets and assisted by varied kernel functions upheld its classification capacities in contrast with the conformist machine learning classification and optimisation methods. The portrayed computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) model is confronted by evaluating its learning capability on two different breast mammographic datasets i) benchmark BCDR-F03 dataset and ii) local mammographic dataset. Preliminary propagations, experimental outcomes, and quantifiable assessments likewise demonstrate that the proposed model is pragmatic and favourable for the automated breast malignancy findings with optimal performance and fewer overheads. The discoveries show that the proposed CAD system (HS-SA+Kernel SVM) is superior to various characterisation accuracy techniques with an accuracy of 99.89% for the local mammographic dataset and 99.76% for benchmark BCDR-F03 dataset, AUC of 99.41% for the local mammographic dataset and 99.21% for reference BCDR-F03 dataset while keeping the element space restricted to only seven feature subsets and computational prerequisites as low as is judicious.
Keywords: Metaheuristic techniques; feature subset; harmony search; machine learning classifier; simulated annealing.
© Operational Research Society 2021.