The ultimate goal of nanomedicine has always been the generation of translational technologies that can ameliorate current therapies. Cancer disease represented the primary target of nanotechnology applied to medicine, since its clinical management is characterized by very toxic therapeutics. In this effort, nanomedicine showed the potential to improve the targeting of different drugs by improving their pharmacokinetics properties and to provide the means to generate new concept of treatments based on physical treatments and biologics. In this review, we considered different platforms that reached the clinical trial investigation, providing an objective analysis about their physical and chemical properties and the working mechanism at the basis of their tumoritr opic properties. With this review, we aim to help other scientists in the field in conceiving their delivering platforms for clinical translation by providing solid examples of technologies that eventually were tested and sometimes approved for human therapy.
Keywords: Abraxane; Doxil; EPR; SPION; exosomes; micelles; nanomedicine; targeted therapies.