Purpose Incidence of early onset neurocognitive dysfunction has been reported in World Trade Center (WTC) responders. Ongoing studies are investigating the underlying etiology, as we are concerned that an underlying risk of neurodegenerative dementia may be occurring because of their stressful and neurotoxic exposures to particulate matter when they responded to the search and rescue efforts on September 11, 2001. The purpose of this study is to report preliminary results from two ongoing positron emission tomography (PET)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging studies investigating the presence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarkers, such as β-amyloid, tau, and neurodegeneration, and compare our findings to published norms. Methods We present findings on 12 WTC responders diagnosed with either cognitive impairment (CI) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), now at midlife, who underwent PET/MRI brain imaging as part of ongoing studies. Six responders with CI received [ 18 F] florbetaben (FBB) to detect β-amyloidosis and six separate responders with MCI received [ 18 F] flortaucipir (FTP) to detect tauopathy. All 12 responders underwent concomitant MRI scans for gray matter volume analysis of neurodegeneration. Results PET analysis revealed 50% FBB and 50% of FTP scans were clinically read as positive and that 50% of FTP scans identified as consistent with Braak's stage I or II. Furthermore, one responder identified as centiloid positive for AD. Gray matter volumes from MRI analyses were compared with age/sex-matched norms (Neuroquant), identifying abnormally low cortical volumes in the occipital and temporal lobes, as well as the inferior temporal gyri and the entorhinal cortex. Conclusion These preliminary results suggest that WTC responders with neurocognitive dysfunction may be at increased risk for a neurodegenerative dementia process as a result of their exposures at September 11, 2001.
Keywords: PET/MRI; mild cognitive impairment; neurodegeneration; tau; world trade center responders; β-amyloid.
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