Pseudo interpenetrating vinyl-caprolactam (VCL) based thermosensitive tubular hydrogels with a volume phase transition temperature, VPTT, around 35 °C, have been prepared by combining two different crosslinkers, a di-methacrylate (C1) and a di-vinyl urea (C2). The molar ratio between the two crosslinkers (for a global crosslinker molar percentage of 1.9) has shown to play a key role on the properties of the hydrogel. Increasing the amount of di-vinyl urea, leads to transparent but rather fragile materials and to a lower extent of thermosensitivity, that is, to a lower variation in the hydrogel swelling upon temperature change. However, tubes prepared with a selected crosslinker molar ratio C1/C2 of 65/35 provided a compromise between transparency, thermosensitivity and maneuverability and were, thus, evaluated as supports for cell culture using premyoblastic cells. These hydrogels, used as supports, allow for surface adhesion and cell proliferation until confluence, and eventually an efficient monolayer detachment (and transplant to a 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) support) through a controlled drop in temperature. As a result, this method permits to obtain tubular tissue constructs with potential applications in tissue engineering such as in the elaboration of vascular grafts.
Keywords: Biomaterials; Cell sheet engineering; Hydrogels; Thermosensitive; Tubular structures.
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