A 71-year-old man presented with a history of persistent redness and swelling in the left eye accompanied by an enlarging mass in the conjunctiva. He denied any history of trauma. Local anti-inflammatory treatment was ineffective. Slit lamp examination demonstrated a tough and immobile grayish broad basal mass at the corneal limbus and bulbar conjunctiva and a local bulge of 3 mm × 2 mm at the medial and lateral side of the upper palpebral conjunctiva near the eyelid margin. The excisional biopsy showed granulomatous inflammation with irregular and atypical squamous epithelial hyperplasia. Histopathology and immunohistochemical staining revealed a fungal infection. The secretion smear examination was performed to clarify the pathogen as Candida albicans, and chronic fungal maxillary sinusitis was found through imaging tests. Thus a diagnosis of conjunctival candidiasis was made. The conjunctival mass subsided after systemic and local antifungal therapy.
1例71岁因左眼反复红肿、“眼白”出现肿物男性患者,否认外伤史,在外院局部抗炎治疗无效。眼部检查见角膜缘、结膜近角膜处灰白色宽基底肿物,上睑结膜面中外侧近睑缘处约3 mm×2 mm局部隆起。部分结膜肿物切除术后,组织病理学及免疫组织化学染色检查提示为结膜真菌感染伴鳞状上皮不规则增生及不典型增生,眼分泌物涂片检查提示为白色念珠菌感染,鼻窦CT及MRI提示慢性上颌窦炎。诊断为左眼真菌性结膜炎,行全身及局部抗真菌治疗后结膜肿物消退无复发。.