Background: If there are patterns of the distribution of services and treatments across the population of people with ASD, these patterns should be based along clinical characteristics or other service needs and not sociodemographic characteristics unrelated to evidence-based care. We examined how individuals in a broad, nationally representative sample "grouped together" based on service utilization and services needed but not covered by insurance. By understanding various treatment patterns, clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and self-advocates and their families can better advocate for high-quality, evidence-based services to be provided equitably.
Methods: Using the 2011 Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services, a cluster analysis was performed to explore patterns in this population based on medication use, private services use, school-based service use, and services not covered by insurance. Differences in clusters were then explored through multinomial logistic regression.
Results: Six clusters emerged, showing differences in the level of service/medication usage and insurance coverage. Differences across clusters were associated with the level of functional limitation and age at ASD diagnosis. Disparities by insurance type, functional limitation, and age at diagnosis exist among patterns of ASD service provision.
Conclusions: Our analysis showed that intervention for children with ASD can be across several scales - high and low users of services (both private and school-based), high and low users of medications, and high and low levels of reported non-covered services. The differences were clustered in multiple ways. Further research should incorporate longitudinal and nationally representative data to explore these relationships further.
Keywords: Access to care; Autism spectrum disorder; Cluster analysis; Health services; Survey of pathways to diagnosis and services.
Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.