1 Chair Emeritus, Department of Radiology and Professor, The University of Queensland Medical School, Ochsner Clinical School, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, 1514 Jefferson Hwy., New Orleans, LA 70121. Electronic address: [email protected].
2 John Strohbehn Professor of Radiology, Associate Faculty, Duke Medical Physics Graduate Program, Pediatric Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.
3 Rosenbaum Endowed Chair of Radiology, Professor of Radiology, and Medicine, Chair, Department of Radiology and Chief, Division of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, UK HealthCare, Lexington, Kentucky.
4 Department of Radiation Oncology, Sutter Medical Group, Sacramento, California.
5 Professor Emerita, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.