Video surveillance has almost universally been employed by professional sports to identify signs of concussion during competition. This study examined associations between video-identified possible loss of consciousness (LOC), acute concussion evaluation findings, and recovery time in concussed professional rugby league players. Medical personnel and sideline video operators identified head impact events sustained during three seasons of National Rugby League (NRL) matches to determine the need for further medical evaluation. If a concussion was suspected, players were removed from play and underwent a Head Injury Assessment, including the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool, Fifth Edition (SCAT5). Video footage was later examined to identify signs of possible LOC (i.e., observed LOC, no protective action in the fall, and unresponsiveness or lying motionless). Possible LOC was identified in 99 of the 1706 head impact events (5.8%). The median duration of apparent unresponsiveness was 4.2 sec (M = 7.4, standard deviation [SD] = 12.8, interquartile range [IQR] = 2.5-6.6). In the 661 athletes for whom SCAT5 data were available, those with possible LOC endorsed more SCAT5 symptoms and performed worse on Maddocks questions, Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) total scores, orientation, immediate recall, concentration, and delayed recall. For the 255 players with medically diagnosed concussions, SCAT5 data were available for 245. Concussed players with possible LOC performed significantly worse on Maddocks questions. However, there were no group differences in SCAT5 symptom endorsement, SAC total scores, orientation, immediate recall, concentration, delayed recall, or the modified version of the Balance Error Scoring System (mBESS) total errors. Further, the presence or absence of possible LOC was not associated with number of games missed or time to medical clearance for match play. The duration of possible LOC was not associated with the number of games missed or time to medical clearance for match play. According to video review in NRL players, brief LOC might be more common than previously thought. The present study reveals possible LOC is not predictive of missed games or time to recover following concussion.
Keywords: brain injury; concussion; loss of consciousness; return to play; rugby; video analysis.