1 Liver Unit, Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. Electronic address: [email protected].
2 National Liver Disease Intelligence Network, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care, UK Government, London, UK.
3 Liver Intensive Therapy Unit, Institute of Liver Studies, King's College Hospital, London, UK.
4 St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK.
5 Addictions and Inclusion Directorate, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care, UK Government, London, UK.
6 Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK.
7 Division of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK.
8 University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
9 Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
10 University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
11 British Liver Trust, London, UK.
12 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, UK.
13 Liver Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, UK; Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
14 Wirral University Teaching Hospital, Birkenhead, UK.
15 Department of Gastroenterology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK.
16 Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; University Hospital, Southampton, Southampton, UK.
17 King's College Hospital, King's College London, London, UK; London Critical Care ODN, London, UK.
18 Clinical Toxicology Department, St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK.