API Development Increases Access to Shared Computing Resources at Boston University

J Softw Eng Appl. 2022 Jun;15(6):197-207. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2022.156011. Epub 2022 Jun 29.


Within the last few decades, increases in computational resources have contributed enormously to the progress of science and engineering (S & E). To continue making rapid advancements, the S & E community must be able to access computing resources. One way to provide such resources is through High-Performance Computing (HPC) centers. Many academic research institutions offer their own HPC Centers but struggle to make the computing resources easily accessible and user-friendly. Here we present SHABU, a RESTful Web API framework that enables S & E communities to access resources from Boston University's Shared Computing Center (SCC). The SHABU requirements are derived from the use cases described in this work.

Keywords: API Framework; High-Performance Computing; Open Source; Science and Engineering; Software Architecture.