Introduction : The creation of transversal patient education units (UTEP), resources center to help Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE) teams in hospitals, was recommended in 2008 by the High Authority of Health and the French Society of Public Health.Purpose of research : To realize a national inventory of the UTEPs function (creation, governance, composition, missions, and funding).Method : This qualitative survey by semi-directional interviews was conducted by phone using an interview guide to the 29 UTEPs identified in the University or Regional Hospitals of France.Results : Twenty-four UTEPs (83%) responded. Since the law of 2009, except Besançon and Montpellier, these multidisciplinary teams coordinated mainly by a doctor have a total staff ranging from 0.5 to 5.5 full-time equivalents. Ten UTEPs have an institutional steering committee. They are mainly attached to a public health division. All UTEPs provide support missions for the TPE programs, coordination, and transversality. Fourteen carry out training ; eleven are involved in research and one lead TPE session. Eight UTEPs are involved at the level of the Territorial Hospital Grouping or the department. These differences condition variations in funding.Conclusions : The UTEPs are mostly well entrenched in their institution, recognized by TPE teams and directors. Their organizations, operations and funding are very varied according to the hospitals with common lines given by the regional health agency within the same large region.