This dataset is related to the article "Insight Into the Long Noncoding RNA and mRNA Coexpression Profile in the Human Blood Transcriptome Upon Leishmania infantum Infection" by S.R. Maruyama, C.A. Fuzo, A.E.R. Oliveira, L.A. Rogerio, N.T. Takamiya, G. Pessenda, E.V. de Melo, A.M. da Silva, A.R. Jesus, V. Carregaro, H.I. Nakaya, R.P. Almeida and J.S. da Silva. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022. Through the reuse of raw sequencing data, we generated original dataset by performing a dual RNA-seq mapping procedure to survey the parasite transcripts found in RNA-seq samples from blood of visceral leishmaniasis patients. Diseased patients with active infection displayed the highest number of reads mapped to L. infantum genome. Even after six months later of the treatment, when the patients were considered cured, parasite reads were still detected. Parasite reads were also detected in asymptomatic individuals. The original dual RNA-seq alignment read count data provided here can be further explored to evaluate either host or parasite transcripts.
Keywords: Dual RNA-seq; Host/parasite interaction; Leishmania; Leishmaniasis; blood transcriptomics.
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