Anemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The insufficient erythropoietin (EPO) production by the kidneys and iron deficiency are the main causes. Iron supplementation and the administration of recombinant EPO are the main treatment modalities. New iron formulations that can be administered orally, intravenously or directly via the dialysate have recently been developed to improve efficacy and tolerance. Ferric citrate administered orally can effectively corrects anemia in case of iron deficiency and in addition chelate phosphate in the gut lumen. Ferric carboxymaltose allows intravenous administration of larger doses given less frequently. Ferric pyrophosphate citrate administered directly via the dialysate allows the compensation of iron losses during the hemodialysis session. HIF-prolyl-hydroxylase inhibitors are a new therapeutic class of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Orally administered, they act by stabilizing the HIF transcription factor involved in the initiation of erythropoietin production by hypoxia. Several clinical studies have recently evaluated these new molecules in comparison with recombinant EPO. In CKD patients not yet on dialysis or undergoing dialysis therapy non-inferiority in correcting anemia has been demonstrated compared with recombinant EPO. The decrease in circulating hepcidin they induce appears greater than that induced by injectable recombinant EPO. Presently available reports on the safety of HIF-prolyl-hydroxylase inhibitors are reassuring but need to be confirmed in longer-term studies of larger size. © 2022 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Société francophone de néphrologie, dialyse et transplantation.
Keywords: Anemia; Anémie; Chronic kidney disease; Dialyse; Dialysis; Fer; Inhibiteurs de HIF-prolyl-hydroxylase; Iron; Maladie rénale chronique; Prolyl-hydroxylase inhibitors.
Copyright © 2022 Société francophone de néphrologie, dialyse et transplantation. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.