Shepherd's crook configuration of right coronary artery and anomalous origin of left circumflex artery from right coronary cusp in a middle-aged man-A case report

Radiol Case Rep. 2022 Dec 24;18(3):917-920. doi: 10.1016/j.radcr.2022.09.069. eCollection 2023 Mar.


Shepherd's crook configuration of the right coronary artery is a course anomaly where the ostium is oriented superiorly with the proximal artery taking an upward turn before resuming its regular path. Although it is classified as an unimportant hemodynamic variation, it is relevant in the context of coronary artery disease due to the technical issues it causes when being treated. The anomalous origin of the left circumflex artery arising as a separate branch from the right coronary cusp is a rare variant and its significance lies in its association with sudden arrhythmia, syncope, and sudden cardiac death. Here we report a case of a 58-year-old male patient with an anomalous course of the right coronary artery consistent with Shepherd's crook configuration and anomalous origin of the left circumflex artery from the right coronary cusp.

Keywords: Cx, Circumflex artery; ECG, Electrocardiogram; LCx, Left circumflex artery; Left circumflex artery; PDA, Posterior descending artery; PLV, Posterior left ventricular artery; RCA, Right coronary artery; Right coronary artery; Shepherd's crook.

Publication types

  • Case Reports