The carotid artery is a valuable vascular access that can be used in patients who have undergone repetitive interventional and surgical procedures and premature babies. In the past, cut-down was used but nowadays, mostly the procedure is performed under ultrasonographic guidance. Complications such as bleeding, haematoma, and pseudoaneurysm may occur when the carotid artery is used as a vascular access for the procedures such as aortic balloon valvuloplasty, coarctation balloon angioplasty, or after interventional or surgical treatments to the carotid artery. Although pseudoaneurysm is very rare, prompt diagnosis and accurate treatment planning are life-saving. In this article, the diagnosis and treatment of pseudoaneurysm in the left common carotid after transcatheter coarctation balloon angioplasty in a 6-month-old infant will be presented.
Keywords: Pseudoaneurysm; carotid access; pediatric cardiac interventional procedures.