Purpose: To examine readiness to provide oral and injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY) and to explore decision-making for HIV prevention strategies (e.g., condom use, daily and event-driven oral PrEP, and injectable PrEP) among healthcare providers.
Methods: Between February and April 2022, we recruited 31 prescribing providers (M.Ds, D.Os, P.As, and N.Ps) practicing in primary care and specialized clinics in the U.S. Northeast for focus groups or individual interviews. Focus groups and interview transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Results: Most providers specialized in Pediatrics (42%) or Adolescent Medicine (23%) and 58% had previously prescribed PrEP. Main barriers to PrEP readiness were low PrEP knowledge, limited time for visits, and competing clinical priorities. Organizational factors such as routine HIV/STI testing, PrEP-specific electronic health records templates, and specialized staff (e.g., PrEP navigators) promoted PrEP readiness. Providers held positive attitudes toward injectable PrEP to promote adherence among SGMY, yet barriers to implementation of this modality were identified (e.g., patient anxiety about needles, additional staffing needs). Providers described event-driven oral PrEP as an option for SGMY with episodic HIV risk. Assurances of conditional confidentiality, including preventing disclosure of sensitive information through insurance forms, and shared decision-making facilitated conversations about HIV prevention with SGMY.
Discussion: Future PrEP implementation efforts for SGMY should consider combined efforts targeting provider knowledge about PrEP modalities (e.g., decision aids) and clinic organizational factors (e.g., routine HIV/STI testing, resources to assist providers and patients in navigating the multiple steps between prescription and adherence to PrEP).
Keywords: Adolescents; HIV; Implementation science; Qualitative research; Young adults.
Copyright © 2022 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.