Five desi (GL 12,021, GL 29,095, GL 29,078, H11 22 and CSJ 515) and three wild (GLW 22, GLW 58 and GLW 187) chickpea cultivars showed induced defense response against Helicoverpa armigera infestation as a result of enhanced activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, tyrosine ammonia lyase in leaves, pod walls and seeds. Catalase activity increased in leaves of GL 12,021, H11 22, GL 29,095, CSJ 515, GLW 22, and GL 29,078 after infestation compared to resistant check; catalase and peroxidase activities in GL 29,095 and GL 29,078; ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities in leaves of GLW 58. The increased activity of superoxide dismutase in pod wall of H1122; catalase in pod wall of 29,078, GL 29,095 and GL 22; ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase in pod wall of GLW 58; phenylalanine ammonia lyase and tyrosine ammonia lyase in pod wall of GLW 187, H11 22, GL 20,978, GLW 22 and GLW 58 after infestation as compared to resistant check might be responsible for mitigating infestation induced oxidative stress. MDA content decreased in leaves, pod wall and seeds of GLW 187 and GL 12,021 after infestation. Lower percent pod damage (9.58-12.44%) in GL 12,021, GLW 187, GL 29,095, H11 22, GL 29,078, GLW 22 and GLW 58 as compared to resistant (16.18%) and susceptible (21.50) checks might be attributed to differential induced defense mechanism in them. The identified desi and wild genotypes might be used in breeding program to develop cultivars with improved resistance to herbivore.
Keywords: Antioxidative enzymes; Biotic stress; Chickpea; Oxidative stress; Pod damage.
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