Excess water can induce flooding stress resulting in yield loss, even in wetland crops such as rice (Oryza). However, traits from species of wild Oryza have already been used to improve tolerance to abiotic stress in cultivated rice. This study aimed to establish root responses to sudden soil flooding among eight wild relatives of rice with different habitat preferences benchmarked against three genotypes of O. sativa. Plants were raised hydroponically, mimicking drained or flooded soils, to assess the plasticity of adventitious roots. Traits included were apparent permeance (PA) to O2 of the outer part of the roots, radial water loss, tissue porosity, apoplastic barriers in the exodermis, and root anatomical traits. These were analysed using a plasticity index and hierarchical clustering based on principal component analysis. For example, O. brachyantha, a wetland species, possessed very low tissue porosity compared with other wetland species, whereas dryland species O. latifolia and O. granulata exhibited significantly lower plasticity compared with wetland species and clustered in their own group. Most species clustered according to growing conditions based on PA, radial water loss, root porosity, and key anatomical traits, indicating strong anatomical and physiological responses to sudden soil flooding.
Keywords: Aerenchyma; barrier to radial oxygen loss; phenotypic plasticity; radial oxygen loss; radial water loss; rice; root porosity; root respiration; waterlogging.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.