Background: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are both classified as blood-borne viruses since they are transmitted through contact with contaminated blood. Approximately 1.3 million of the 2.75 million global HIV/HCV carriers are people who inject drugs (PWID). HIV co-infection has a harmful effect on the progression of HCV, resulting in greater rates of HCV persistence after acute infection, higher viral levels, and accelerated progression of liver fibrosis and end-stage liver disease. In this study, we developed and investigated a mathematical model for the dynamical behavior of HIV/AIDS and HCV co-infection, which includes therapy for both diseases, vertical transmission in HIV cases, unawareness and awareness of HIV infection, inefficient HIV treatment follow-up, and efficient condom use. Methods: Positivity and boundedness of the model under investigation were established using well-known theorems. The equilibria were demonstrated by bringing all differential equations to zero. The associative reproduction numbers for mono-infected and dual-infected models were calculated using the next-generation matrix approach. The local and global stabilities of the models were validated using the linearization and comparison theorem and the negative criterion techniques of bendixson and dulac, respectively. Results: The growing prevalence of HIV treatment dropout in each compartment of the HIV model led to a reduction in HIV on treatment compartments while other compartments exhibited an increase in populations . In dually infected patients, treating HCV first reduces co-infection reproduction number R ech , which reduces liver cancer risk. Conclusions: From the model's results, we infer various steps (such as: campaigns to warn individuals about the consequences of having multiple sexual partners; distributing more condoms to individuals; continuing treatment for chronic HCV and AIDS) that policymakers could take to reduce the number of mono-infected and co-infected individuals.
Keywords: HCV; HIV/AIDS; Mathematical model; awareness; basic reproduction number; endemic equilibrium; infection-free equilibrium; next generation matrix; stability.; unawareness.
Copyright: © 2022 Abiodun OE et al.