The participants in this study were 20-49 years old rural childbearing age people who received the National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP) in Yunnan Province during 2013 to 2019. The proportion of ABO and RhD blood groups among different ethnic groups and different areas were calculated. The proportion of 2 748 131 participants with blood group A phenotype was highest (32.60%), followed by O (30.60%), B (27.33%) and AB (9.47%). In the RhD blood system, the proportion of the RhD positivity (RhD+) and RhD negativity (RhD-) group were 99.29% and 0.71% respectively. The proportions blood groups were significantly different among ethnic groups and areas (all P<0.001). Among 18 ethnic groups with more than 3 000 participants, Yao (42.75%), Bouyei (40.58%) and Dai (40.37%) ethnic groups had higher proportion of blood group O phenotype than other ethnic groups. Wa ethnic groups had highest proportion of the A (40.15%) and AB phenotypes (11.23%). Miao ethnic group (34.70%) and Lahu ethnic group (34.42%) had higher proportion of blood group B phenotype than other ethnic groups. Wa ethnic group had the highest proportion of RhD-group (1.88%). In all 16 prefectures of Yunnan, the proportion of blood group O phenotype was highest in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture (40.27%). Baoshan city (36.39%), Lincang city (36.22%) and Dali Bai autonomous prefecture (36.06%) had higher proportion of blood group A phenotype than other regions. Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (30.83%) and Qujing city (30.48%) had higher proportion of blood group B phenotype than other areas, while Zhaotong city had a highest proportion of blood group AB phenotype (11.19%). The proportion of RhD-group was highest in Honghe hani and Yi nationality autonomous prefecture(1.37%). The A RhD+(39.36%), A RhD-(0.78%), AB RhD+(11.03%), AB RhD-(0.20%) and O RhD-(0.48%) blood groups were higher proportion in Wa ethnic group than in other ethnic groups (P<0.001).
以2013—2019年云南省接受国家免费孕前优生健康检查的20~49岁农村育龄人群为研究对象,分析云南省不同民族、不同地区人群ABO和RhD血型的占比情况。在纳入的2 748 131名研究对象中,在ABO血型中,占比由高到低依次为:A型(32.60%)、O型(30.60%)、B型(27.33%)和AB型(9.47%);在RhD血型中,RhD阳性占99.29%,RhD阴性占0.71%。云南省农村地区育龄人群中,不同民族、不同地区间血型占比之间的差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。在参检人数超过3 000名的18个民族中,瑶族(42.75%)、布依族(40.58%)和傣族(40.37%)O型血占比高于其他民族,A型和AB型血占比最高的为佤族(分别为40.15%和11.23%),B型血占比中苗族(34.70%)、拉祜族(34.42%)高于其他民族;RhD-血型占比最高的为佤族(1.88%)。在云南省16个州、市中,O型血占比最高的为西双版纳傣族自治州(40.27%),保山市(36.39%)、临沧市(36.22%)和大理白族自治州(36.06%)A型血占比高于其他地区,迪庆藏族自治州(30.83%)和曲靖市(30.48%)B型血占比高于其他地区,AB型血占比最高的为昭通市(11.19%);RhD-血型占比最高的为红河哈尼族彝族自治州(1.37%)。佤族A RhD+(39.36%)、A RhD-(0.78%)、AB RhD+(11.03%)、AB RhD-(0.20%)和O RhD-(0.48%)5种血型占比均高于其他民族,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。.