Objective: New possibilities for using gametes within a couple were created by the French law of August 2, 2021 related to bioethics by opening Assisted Reproductive Technics (ART) to all women. It concerns previously self-preserved gametes, thus avoiding the need for gamete donation. The objective of our study is to evaluate the perception of these new uses by ART practitioners.
Method: A questionnaire of twelve short questions was sent to professionals concerned with gamete donation.
Results: One hundred and ten professionals answered the questionnaire. The majority of them approve of the Reception of Oocytes from the Partner (ROPA), notably if there is a medical indication. Requests are rarer for the care of trans* people, and raise more questions. Although less favorable to the use of eggs from trans* men, more of them support the practice when it is an alternative to oocyte donation.
Conclusion: The acronym EUGIC (Extension of the Use of Gametes in Intra-Conjugal) makes it possible to group together these new situations generated by the change in the French law.
Keywords: Couple; Cryopreservation; Cryopréservation; Gamete; Gamète.
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