From the analysis of 28 records in the gynecological Department of the Hospital Principal in Dakar, all of them recording cases of pelviperitonitis having demanded a surgical intervention, it seems permissible to the authors to maintain the denomination, full of imagery, of "Gynecologic African Complex". They define it as appearing in a peculiar socio-economical environment (in Africa but also in the Third World) and characterised anatomically by an inflammatory pelviperitoneal syndrome presenting a large anatomic diversity. In the studied records, the authors sorted out 14 cases with an acute clinical aspect and 14 with a chronic one. These 28 cases represented 1.5% of the admissions and 5% of the operated patients in the gynecologic Department. The aspect "complex", linked with the polymorphism of the diagnosed lesions (among them 2 tubal tuberculosis, 1 peritoneal tuberculosis, 2 genital bilharziosis) and their frequent association, constitutes a surgical entity about which therapeutic tactics has to be adapted and reasonably mutilating. The concern of preservation must take into consideration future evolution of surgical consequences, genital and obstetrical future of women often young.