Naturally occurring body movements and collective neural activity both exhibit complex dynamics, often with scale-free, fractal spatiotemporal structure. Scale-free dynamics of both brain and behavior are important because each is associated with functional benefits to the organism. Despite their similarities, scale-free brain activity and scale-free behavior have been studied separately, without a unified explanation. Here, we show that scale-free dynamics of mouse behavior and neurons in the visual cortex are strongly related. Surprisingly, the scale-free neural activity is limited to specific subsets of neurons, and these scale-free subsets exhibit stochastic winner-take-all competition with other neural subsets. This observation is inconsistent with prevailing theories of scale-free dynamics in neural systems, which stem from the criticality hypothesis. We develop a computational model which incorporates known cell-type-specific circuit structure, explaining our findings with a new type of critical dynamics. Our results establish neural underpinnings of scale-free behavior and clear behavioral relevance of scale-free neural activity.
Keywords: behavior; cerebral cortex; mouse; neuroscience; physics of living systems; scale-free.
As we go about our days, how often do we fidget, compared to how frequently we make larger movements, like walking down the hall? And how rare is a trek across town compared to that same walk down the hall? Animals tend to follow a mathematical law that relates the size of our movements to how often we do them. This law posits that small-to-medium movements and large-to-huge movements are related in the same way, that is, the law is ‘scale-free’, it holds the same for different scales of movement. Surprisingly, measurements of brain activity also follow this scale-free law: the level of activation of a group of neurons relates to how often they are activated in the same way for different levels of activation. Although body movements and brain activity behave in a mathematically similar way, these two facts had not previously been linked. Jones et al. studied body movements and brain activity in mice, and found that scale-free body movements were linked to scale-free brain activity, but only in certain subsets of neurons. This observation had been hidden because other subsets of neurons compete with scale-free neurons. When the scale-free neurons turn on, the competing groups turn off. When averaged together, these fluctuations cancel out. The findings of Jones et al. provide a new understanding of how brain and body dynamics are orchestrated in healthy organisms. In particular, their results suggest that the complex, multi-scale nature of behavior and body movements may emerge from brain activity operating at a critical tipping point between order and disorder, at the edge of chaos.
© 2023, Jones et al.