The spleen filters blood cells and contributes to the immune defense. The red pulp clears the blood from altered red blood cells via its unique microcirculatory network ; while the white pulp is a secondary lymphoid organ, directly connected to the bloodstream, whose specificity is the defense against encapsulated bacteria through the production of "natural" IgM in the marginal zone. Various health conditions can cause acquired impairment of the splenic function (or hyposplenism) directly and/or through therapeutic splenectomy. Hypo/asplenia is complicated by an increased susceptibility to encapsulated germ infections, but an increased risk of thrombosis and pulmonary hypertension has also been reported after surgical splenectomy. Homozygous sickle cell disease is the most common disease associated with functional asplenia. The latter appears early in childhood likely through repeated ischemic alterations caused by the sickling of red blood cells. In addition, specific complications such as hypersplenism and acute splenic sequestration can occur and may be life-threatening. We provide here an update on the role and physiology of the spleen, which will allow a better understanding of the pathophysiology of spleen damage and its consequences in sickle cell disease.
Keywords: Drépanocytose; Fonction splénique; Hyposplenism; Hyposplénisme; Sickle cell disease; Splenectomy; Splenic function; Splénectomie.
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