Femtosecond laser pulses drive nonequilibrium phase transitions via reaction paths hidden in thermal equilibrium. This stimulates interest to understand photoinduced ultrafast melting processes, which remains incomplete due to challenges in resolving accompanied kinetics at the relevant space-time resolution. Here, by newly establishing a multiplexing femtosecond X-ray probe, we have successfully revealed ultrafast energy transfer processes in confined Au nanospheres. Real-time images of electron density distributions with the corresponding lattice structures elucidate that the energy transfer begins with subpicosecond melting at the specimen boundary earlier than the lattice thermalization, and proceeds by forming voids. Two temperature molecular dynamics simulations uncovered the presence of both heterogeneous melting with the melting front propagation from surface and grain boundaries and homogeneous melting with random melting seeds and nanoscale voids. Supported by experimental and theoretical results, we provide a comprehensive atomic-scale picture that accounts for the ultrafast laser-induced melting and evaporation kinetics.
Keywords: Confined nanoparticle; Nonequilibrium phase transition; Single-particle imaging; Ultrafast energy transfer; X-ray free electron laser.