Prior studies have described the roadblocks, or barriers, to needed services experienced by families with young autistic children, but less research has focused on those faced by autistic adolescents and young adults. In this study, we wished to understand the barriers to service experienced by autistic adolescents and young adults and their families. We surveyed 174 caregivers of autistic youth between 16 to 30 years old. We found that caregivers who felt more caregiving burden had more difficulty accessing services for their youth. Specifically, caregivers who felt more strongly that their daily lives had been disrupted, felt more financial strain, and worried more about their youth well-being experienced more roadblocks to getting services for the youth. Male caregivers also reported fewer difficulties related to service access. Importantly, the older the youth was when they had been diagnosed with autism, the more service barriers their caregivers reported. We did not see any differences in the level of barriers experienced by youth who lived in urban versus suburban settings, or between white and non-white families. However, when youth lived with their caregivers (rather than, for example, in a group home), fewer quality-related barriers to services were reported. Finally, greater access (but not quality) barriers were linked to youth having more unmet service needs. These findings can help to reduce the barriers to service experienced by autistic adolescents and young adults and their families.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorders; family caregivers; obstacles; unmet service needs.