Large proportion of natural forest has been transformed into plantations in subtropical regions, with consequences on forest ecosystem structure and function. In order to understand the responses of two nitrite reducing genes (nirK and nirS) in N2O production to forest conversion, we collected soil samples from Castanopsis carlesii natural forest, Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation and Pinus massoniana plantation and examined the abundance of nirK and nirS genes in soils and aggregates. Results showed that forest conversion increased soil pH, while decreased soil ammonium content. Forest conversion did not influence the mass proportion of soil aggregates. The abundance of nirK and nirS genes varied in aggregates with different particle sizes. The abundance of nirK and nirS genes was the highest in small macraoaggregates and the lowest in the silt-clay particles. Moreover, the abundance of nirK was significantly higher than that of nirS in soils of all forest types, indicating that nirK dominated in the acidic forest soils. Conversion of natural forest to plantations significantly increased the abundance of nirK and nirS genes in the bulk soil and aggregates, indicating that forest conversion would be beneficial for the growth of microorganisms bearing nirK and nirS genes, which might be associated with the increases of soil pH. Taken together, conversion of natural forest to C. lanceolata plantation or P. massoniana plantation significantly increased the abundance of nirK and nirS in soils and aggregates, but did not affect the mass proportions of aggregates.
我国亚热带地区大面积天然林已转变为人工林,对森林生态系统结构和功能产生了极大影响。为揭示森林土壤团聚体中N2O产生的关键基因亚硝酸盐还原基因(nirK和nirS)对森林转换后的响应特征,本研究选取中亚热带米槠天然林、杉木人工林和马尾松人工林为对象,分析了3种林分土壤和团聚体中nirK和nirS基因丰度。结果表明: 天然林转变成人工林后,土壤pH值升高,但铵态氮含量下降。森林转换对土壤团聚体结构组成影响不大,但不同粒径团聚体中nirK和nirS基因丰度存在差异,以小团聚体分布最多,粉-黏颗粒分布最少。各林分土壤中nirK基因丰度均显著高于nirS基因丰度,表明nirK在酸性森林土壤中占主导。天然林转人工林显著增加全土和团聚体中nirK及nirS基因丰度,表明森林转换有利于提高nirK和nirS基因丰度,这可能与pH值的提高有关。综上,天然林转变为杉木或马尾松人工林显著提高了土壤和团聚体中nirK和nirS丰度,但对团聚体质量分数无显著影响。.
Keywords: forest conversion; nirK; nirS; soil aggregate.