Waste delivered to the Marszów Plant was tested in order to research the effect of seasonal fluctuations on the quantity and composition of generated municipal waste and on the quantity and composition of selectively collected waste. Waste samples were collected once a month from November 2019 to October 2020. The results of the analysis showed that the quantity and composition of municipal waste generated during a week are different in terms of the subsequent months of the year. The quantity of generated municipal waste per capita per week ranges from 5.75 to 7.41 kg (cap·wk)-1, on average 6.68 kg (cap·wk)-1. The maximum values of the weekly indicators for generating the main material components of waste per capita were higher than the minimum by several up to more than 10 times (textiles). The total quantity of selectively collected paper, glass and plastics increased significantly during the conducted research at a rate of approx. 5% per month. The level of recovery concerning this waste over the period between November 2019 and February 2020 averaged at 29.1%, and between April and October 2020 it was nearly 10% higher (39.0%). The material composition of selectively collected waste in subsequent measurement series often differed. It is difficult to link the observed changes concerning the quantity and composition of the analysed waste streams with the seasons of the year, although weather conditions undoubtedly impact the consumption and functioning models of people, thus impacting the size of waste streams.
Keywords: Waste composition and generation; seasonal variations; separate collection rate; source-separation; yellow bag.