Objective: To analyze the trend of the detection rate of myopia among Chinese Han children and adolescents aged 7-18 years from 2010 to 2019. Methods: Data from the Chinese National Survey on Students' Constitution and Health in 2010, 2014 and 2019 were used, and about 213 833, 212 742 and 209 942 Han students aged 7-18 years were included in this study. The χ² test was used to compare the differences in the prevalence of myopia among the subgroups in the survey year, and logistic regression was used to compare the differences in the prevalence of myopia between different years. A curve-fitting method was used to obtain the growth rate of myopia among Han Chinese students from 2010 to 2019, and the differences in the change of myopia between different age groups were analyzed. Results: In 2019, the overall detection rate of myopia among Chinese Han children and adolescents aged 7-18 was 60.1%. The detection rate of urban students (62.7%) was higher than that of rural students (57.4%) and the detection rate of girls (63.5%) was higher than that of boys (56.7%). In 2019, the regional disparities were large in the detection rate of myopia in various provinces, with the lowest in Guizhou (49.6%) and the highest in Zhejiang (71.3%). The detection rate of myopia showed an upward trend from 2010 to 2019, from 55.5% in 2010 to 57.1% in 2014, and finally to 60.1% in 2019. The gap in the detection rate of myopia between urban and rural children and adolescents gradually shrank. The average annual growth rate of myopia detection rate from 2014 to 2019 was 0.6 percentage points per year, higher than that from 2010 to 2014 about 0.4 percentage points per year. The peak age of the growth rate of myopia detection rate decreased from 12 years in 2010 to 10 years in 2014, and finally to 7 years in 2019. Conclusions: The detection rate of myopia among Chinese Han children and adolescents is still at a high level, and the peak age of the growth rate of myopia detection rate continues to advance.
目的: 分析2010—2019年中国汉族7~18岁儿童青少年近视的流行趋势。 方法: 利用2010、2014和2019年全国学生体质与健康调研数据,分别将213 833、212 742和209 942名7~18岁汉族儿童青少年纳入研究。采用χ²检验比较不同特征汉族儿童青少年近视检出率的差异,采用logistic回归比较7~18岁12个年龄组儿童青少年近视检出率在不同调查年度间差异,采用多项式回归模型拟合2010—2019年汉族儿童青少年近视增长速度模型,分析近视检出率变化速度在不同年龄组间的差异。 结果: 2019年中国汉族7~18岁儿童青少年总体近视检出率为60.1%,近视检出率城市高于乡村(62.7%比57.4%),女生高于男生(63.5%比56.7%)(均P<0.001)。2019年各省(市、区)近视检出率差异较大,最低为贵州(49.6%),最高为浙江(71.3%)。2010—2019年间中国汉族儿童青少年整体近视检出率呈现上升趋势,从2010年的55.5%,上升到2014年的57.1%,最终上升至2019年的60.1%,城乡儿童青少年近视检出率差距逐渐缩小;2014—2019年近视检出率年均增长值为0.6个百分点/年,高于2010—2014年(0.4个百分点/年);近视检出率增长速度峰值年龄从2010年的12岁,提前至2014年的10岁,最终提前至2019年的7岁。 结论: 中国汉族儿童青少年近视检出率仍处于高位,近视增长速度峰值年龄不断提前。.