Good Bye Lenin Revisited: East-West Preferences Three Decades after German Reunification

Ger Econ Rev. 2023 Feb 28;24(1):97-119. doi: 10.1515/ger-2022-0042. Epub 2023 Feb 24.


In this paper, we document that living under Communism versus Capitalism has lasting effects on preferences for a strong government. Relying on the natural experiment of German reunification and extending the analysis of Alesina and Fuchs-Schündeln (2007), we show that East Germans still have stronger preferences for redistribution than West Germans 27 years after reunification. While convergence of preferences occurs, the speed of convergence decreases significantly over time. Evidence from cohorts born after German reunification points towards significant intergenerational transmission of preferences.

Keywords: German reunification; endogenous preferences; preferences for redistribution.